We’re proud of our Baby room. In this space we endeavour to achieve the highest of standards through the provision of a safe, stimulating and happy atmosphere. With a high ratio of staff to children and a good balance of care and understanding, we are confident your child will settle in fast. We want your children to enjoy their time with us and for you, as a family to feel at home with our team. Over time you will get to know and develop confidence in our staff members.
Throughout their day children explore through heuristic play with the open ended equipment provided. Our exciting learning environment also includes access to messy play activities such as Baked Bean Play, sand, water and more.
Amongst the multitude of activities for children we provide treasure baskets for exploration. Baskets are full of natural objects or those made from natural materials. Babies respond more intensely to such materials and more muted colours. At Blossom Lodge we encourage babies to explore the texture, taste, smell and sound of objects, not just the look of them. This is a collection we are always adding to and appreciate anything new that’s easily found around the house or out and about. Great examples include wooden spoons, corks, fir cones, dolly pegs, coasters, cotton reels, balls and more. Please let us know if you find something suitable.
All aspects of your child’s development are enhanced through play and social interaction in a relaxed and homely environment. We strive to encourage each child’s exploratory impulses and natural inquisitiveness; more often than not this involves a lot of messy play to stimulate their senses.